Basic structure

Two main parts:

  • The game part (PIXI & Matter)
  • The other stuff part (Sapper)

The game includes: game.ts,game_config.ts & the bunch of game objects inside /src/game folder

  • game.ts specifies the basic layout: a canvas container & the game objects
    new Container({
    	view: canvas, // the canvas element to draw the game on
    	builder: (app, { topId, bottomId }) => [
    		new Background(app),
    		new Ball({ app: app, name: 'ball', onCollisionCallback: (otherBody) => ... }),
    		new Paddle({ app: app, name: 'paddle-top' }),
    		new Paddle({ app: app, name: 'paddle-bottom' })
  • game_config.ts contains defaults for canvas width, height & physics stuff such as friction, inertia...
  • Game objects should extends src/game/app/GameObject.ts parent class & be included in game.ts
    class Ball extends GameObject // basic
    class Ball extends Materialized(GameObject) // "materialize" it and include in physics world, trigger onCollisionCallback
    class Ball extends Interactive(Materialized(GameObject)) // subscribe to key press events
  • There are two game loops (exposed as update(_delta: time) & fixedUpdate(_delta: time))
    • update() does not have FPS cap, there more refresh rate your monitor have, the lower _delta goes
    • fixedUpdate() have FPS cap of 60FPS, _delta will stay closely to 1.0 as it can; you should put logics & physics-related codes inside this loop (this is to prevents having objects on 144Hz monitor move more quickly than a 60Hz one)
  • Some already-made interfaces that a Game object can implements to simplify codes
    // A game object can implement "Shapeable" interface & "requiredGraphics" method,
    // it requires a PIXI Graphics instance to draw onto the canvas stage
    class Ball extends GameObject implements Shapeable {
      requireGraphics(): Graphics {
        const [x, y, radius] = [100, 100, 6]
        //draw a circle
        return new Graphics().beginFill(0xFFFFFF).drawCircle(x, y, radius).endFill()

The other stuffs (such as this block of texts) are handled by Svelte

To bridge events generated from canvas to Svelte components, we can use EventEmitter